Pirate Video
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august 5, 2002
pizza corner 4am

july 12, 2002
pizza corner afternoon

july 6, 2002
gottingen street emergency

july 1, 2002
gottingen street party

june 20, 2002
mind reader

may 15, 2002
The Pirate Video project was conceived last winter when the studio where I work acquired a digital video camera. The idea was, I would borrow the camera and run around the North End with it, and then come back to the studio and edit it down and compose some original music and upload the thing... all within the space of an afternoon.

The boss has a new baby in the family, so the DV cam has been spending most of its time at his house, recording Junior's first burp and so on. Pirate Video should return in the summer, when the novelty of the little tyke has worn off a little bit. Cheerio, Philip

february 25, 2002

january 31, 2002
welcome home

Bleeding Tracks

Comments by: YACCS