As the full moon emerges

As the full moon emerges from the totality of eclipse, I imagine it becoming a different moon.

The shadow of the earth will recede. And as the shadow recedes, it will tear a layer of skin off the lunar surface. The old dead moon of grey will be gone.

In its place will be a fresh, sparkling moon. A moon of ambition and change; a moon of renewed commitment to old ideals.

And then I will rise from this couch to get ready for a new night.

This will happen twenty-four minutes from now.

It’s been dark and depressing all day. I pretty much spent the day sitting around. Same with my roommates. No urge to leave the house, no urge to call anyone up to hang out, just pure November withdrawal.

The wind whistles outside my windows. I can hear sirens outside. The eclipse is driving the city crazy.

So I sit here typing rubbish, wanting to believe that something is about to happen.