You can all relax, Richey Manic is alive and he’s housesitting at my place in Gaspereau Forks.
We found a bunch of old fluorescent light tubes in the basement. First thing we did was have a swordfight with them in the backyard. You can guess how long that lasted.
Afterwards I held the broken hilt of the white light source. Richey held out his arm.
“Cut me.”
In this world, there is a logic, which is hard to argue with, whereby if a man goes around asking to be cut, sooner or later, someone is going to cut him.
So I dragged a white flame of glass down Richey’s arm. And we watched as it burst into blood.
His arms, his face, his chest. Every visible part of his body, crisscrossed with a maze, a dark mesh of scars.
He collects them wherever he goes. Souvenirs.
Every place is a scar. [3MB QuickTime]
I enjoyed that video mostly for the cat at the end. Most things need more cats.
Also- Richey is NOT housesitting for you. He’s obviously in Lanzarote.
Also 2- I want to see the video of my friend and I pretending to screech you in at the Basement. Or maybe I don’t.