Mark my words, “Faxe Hands” is about to become the cultural buzzword of a generation.
I’m allergic to beer, so I can’t partake of the Faxe (I’m a pussy), but I still think it’s one of the best ideas I’ve heard all year.
Some would say this is just another drinking game, and then there are those who see it for what it really is: [Lorne Green voice] “INNNFINNNNIIITE.” Try looking for a volunteer to unzip your fly and flop your noodle out because you need to take a piss and your hands are taped to two cans of thick syrupy beer. You’ll find out who your friends really are.
These are the people who really care about you. These are the people who will look after you when you’re old.
I believe it would do wonders for our hometown if we were to pay tribute to the originating spirit of adventure and community sharing. Let’s start a movement to change the name of our city to “Halifaxe.”
Let’s do this shit!
Faxe hand pics!
Is that anything like Jazz hands!!! YA TA TA TA TAHHHHHH!!!!! TIPPITY TAP!!!
Next Faxe Hands: Thursday before the attic (pass it on).