UPDATE: OK, that was a thrilling two hours of rock’n’roll and greasy Mexican food.
I imported all the tracks into iTunes, and now I’m gonna hit “Shuffle” and burn the CD with all the tracks in random order. It’s more fun that way.
Next time on Swordfight TV: kitchen hijinks with Chef Scoopy.
Hi, here I am chilling on my bed and working on a mix CD. Click to watch the action…
CDs I wish I hadn’t lost:
N.E.R.D. – In Search Of…
Le Tigre – the first one
Swayzak – Dirty Dancing
Hi Phil,
Given that it appears that you are on your computer right now…
I justed started a blog and was wondering if you could have a look at it and offer any advice; I’m a newbie to the blog scene and could use a little canned advice, if you have any.
At very least my blog is better than the boring one-liner supportive comments you somehow garnered for doing what appears to be virtually nothing. I’ve been following you for a week, even though lately you seem all dried up. The good stuff seems in the past.
I do really like your site though, except that lame cinderblock picture. It looks like a graffiti mag from Canada, except without graffiti. Either that or the results of a do-it-yourself celebrity kit for people who live in small-to mid-size cities and who need some form of local prominence to get laid.
Yours is better than mine though. And I appreciate your honesty, whatever that means. Would you be honest with me?
I can take it.
Honesty must be earned, Selena; and I have no reason to believe you’re worth it.
I have the Swayzak cd, you wanker. “Make up your miiiiiiind.” boop boop boop.
I clicked on the movie and it didn’t move.
I like how you immediately try to make me the bitch:
“Honesty must be earned?”
Trust must be earned, honesty is just a way of being.
Selena: seems to me you do a good job of making yourself a bitch. Go away.
Claudette: It’s not a movie, it was a live cam that I set up for a couple hours last night. You missed me jumping up and down on my bed playing air guitar, and eating a burrito.
Next time I’ll do it all again only with my noodle hanging out.
So do you have the NERD disc as well… the last time I saw either of them was in that rental car.
phil, do you know if i can use a regular dv camera for a webcam with a mac? do you need special software?
I don’t have NERD.
Hey, right on, Phillip. Welcome back. The internet was getting dull.
I want a Bloomfield mixCD. Trade you for a Creighton st mix.
Liane: There’s lots of shareware webcam software floating around for Macs, most DV cams will work without any special drivers, you just need to buy a Firewire cable. EvoCam is one I’m trying out right now. You can also find some on the Apple downloads page.
Eben: Sure I’d be up for a trade, let’s do it.
how dare you suggest that i might not already have a firewire cable! it’s just like you to make me the bitch first thing you do!
I own the NERD if you even wanna borrow it to help a mixCD along.