
This weekend, Jan. 12-14, is the Third Annual Winter Carnival out here at my country estate. We’re gonna have the Carnival King and Queen Contest (which is basically a drag show) and go on some kind of alcoholic bender. If you’re anywhere in the Maritimes and you feel like road trippin’ drop me a line and I’ll send you the directions.

Erik at bottomunion dropped the swordfight robot replica into a video remix. You have to go check this out right now.


I know that was posted over a week ago, but it took me several days to download the file over my dinky little dialup internet connection out here in East Kabumswick, Canada.

Erik also links to a bunch of videos he’s been digging. I downloaded Last Few Days by Ryanne.

Ryanne’s video has this quick shot of Jay that caught my attention. He just turns around and looks at the camera. That’s it. There’s something about this shot that I found humourous, and yet slightly sinister, possibly because he doesn’t say a word. It also feels like a very personal moment, because he’s looking up at Ryanne, communicating without speaking.

I took this short clip and looped it in QuickTime, and there’s this scratchy bit of camera noise that almost sounds like a little breakbeat. I started layering sounds on top of the beat in GarageBand and before you know it a video remix was born.

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[5MB, 01:30]

It was fun to remix this video because there was so much stuff in it. I had just watched a movie called “The Fast and The Furious” with its soundtrack of slammin’ breakbeats and that’s probably what inspired the jams I threw together.

I’d never actually seen Vin Diesel on screen before. What other films has the guy been in? He was awesome in this movie.

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