I suppose the smart thing would be to not even call attention to it. But a couple people have pointed it out, so I’m just going to come out and say it: don’t be alarmed when you see all the mosquito bites on my hands. There are tons of them. I look like I have some dreadful disease.
I just saw Lukas P. and he said “That’s a reason right there to get away from the country.”
So yes I am in Halifax. I’m crashing at Gerry’s and I plan on hanging out for a little while, possibly looking for a job, looking for an apartment? Looking for opportunities. I haven’t ruled anything out for this fall, including staying out in the country, or moving to Halifax, or to Montreal or Newfoundland.
Tonight at Reflections in Halifax will be a show of radness with A/V, Hotshotrobot and Wax Mannequin. Doing A/V with double drummers tonight, Sean Macgillvray and Jon Epworth. It’s going to rock so you should come down.
You city folks take the internet for granted, but I am excited to have high speed wireless access all over the place so I can upload any little video I feel like. I just got done jamming with Sean at the Rock Garden–outside on the corner I whipped out my video camera in order to namedrop some of my Halifax music scene band van knowledge:
swordfight-halifamousvans.mov [2.3MB QuickTime]
I don’t talk to myself unless I’m alone in the country, so I am silent on this video, but commentary is provided by iMovie’s handy caption function. You’ll just have to pretend some music is playing over top. Pretend I overdubbed “Jaws Of Life” by Wintersleep.
On the remote chance that you have never heard them, go to the Wintersleep MySpace and listen while you watch the video. There, now you’re a fan. I love Wintersleep.
MySpaces all around
Wax Mannequin
Jon Epworth and the Improvements
Glad u rose 2 the surface in Jul.
“I haven’t ruled anything out for this fall, including staying out in the country, or moving to Halifax, or to Montreal or Newfoundland.”
I vote Newfoundland…but then I am bias.